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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Statement from BITE Regarding their Licence Suspension

Dear All,

I understand that many of you will be concerned regarding the recent situation with the UK Border Agency. I also understand that there are many rumours circulating about the effects of this situation. I want to assure you that our Chief Executive and his management team are doing all in their power to correct the situation.

On 12th July, the UK Border Agency temporarily suspended BITE from their list of sponsors while they investigated some alleged irregularities concerning the immigration status of some students at BITE. In the two most important cases, we have evidence to show that these allegations are unfounded. As a result, Dr Farmer has engaged the services of Quist Solicitors, who are experts in this field, and has started legal proceedings to re-instate BITE to the UKBA list. These proceedings are necessarily complex and will take some time to complete; however, we are confident that BITE will be back on the list within the next 2-3 weeks.

In the meantime, let me assure you once more that this temporary suspension does not affect your places at BITE. Your teaching will continue and your work will be assessed.

I believe that there have been rumours suggesting that, if the suspension lasted more than 60 days, BITE would be obliged to close down. Let me assure you that there is no such regulation. BITE will continue to operate as normal while this suspension is in operation.

Some of you will have applied for visa extensions. Those extensions will be held by the authorities while the suspension is in operation. For those of you who need to apply in the next few weeks, please contact the administration team for your particular course, who will be able to give you personalised assistance.

Professor Leslie Hobson OBE

British Institute of Technology and E-commerce

This post was submitted by sam.


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